For small or mid-size producers, young innovative companies, or producers from other parts of the world, Ag Ambition offers an easy and low-risk opportunity to expand their sales and export network, by selling their products as commercial agent.
The countries where Ag Ambition has contacts to a distribution network cover Europe, the Former Soviet Union countries, the Middle East, and North Africa, as can be seen on below map.

Ag Ambition is working in principle as commission agent, thus replacing the cost of investing in sales staff or local offices. Way of working and commercial agreements can be adapted to the specific business. Ag Ambition can be approached for:
- Distribution to selected countries or whole regions
- Long-term agreements or introduction efforts only.
- Commonly used products or innovative developments
- Fertilizers, biostimulants, microbiological products, …
- Projects to introduce new products/ technologies.
Ag Ambition is looking for:
- Specialty products, we are not trading bulk commodity fertilizers.
- A complementary portfolio for customers. The idea is not to offer the same products from various competing producers.
Interested? Contact us through .